Tuesday, 10 June 2008

AFRICA: Anglican Women to Publish Prayer Book on Millennium Goals NEW YORK,

April 18, 2008 (CISA) -Anglican women and girls are uniting to make their voices heard on issues of poverty and empowerment by contributing to a new book of women’s prayers.They also want to express the power and depth of their faith and to reveal their connections across cultural and economic differences.The book will have a new collection of prayers, with multicultural global reach and will be organized according to themes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The prayers will also show the connections between the global concerns of women and girls and their personal lives.Rev. Margaret Rose, director of the Episcopal Church's Center for Mission Leadership and one of the new book’s editors said, “With this new book, we will intentionally seek the voice of women and girls worldwide as they pray their experiences of global concerns.”The new book, the editors say, will reveal how Anglican women are envisioning a way forward for the welfare of creation, including within the Anglican Communion itself. “At a time when a small cabal of male leaders are insisting on dividing the Anglican Communion over issues of human sexuality, Anglican women are offering a way forward,” said Dr. Jenny Te Paa, one of the editors.The editors say this book will also show how nurturing an inner life of prayer can give women and girls the courage to care and advocate not just for themselves, but also for their sisters throughout the Anglican Communion.“The prayers will reflect and reveal the very difficult realities for women and girls today, yet also proclaim a vision.” Editor Rev Jeanne Person explained. “The women and girls who submit prayers will be speaking truth, but with love, hope and commitment to change.”Currently, the editors are partnering with networks of Anglican women worldwide to extend the invitation for prayer submissions. According to the editors, the new book will debut in May 2009.The deadline for submissions is September 1, 2008. Submissions may be made by email to prayers@cpg.org>

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