Wednesday, 12 November 2008

KENYA: Christian Concert Brings Out the Best in City Youth

NAIROBI, August 26, 2008 (CISA) -Hundreds of youth from some 13 mainly Catholic churches in the Kenyan capital showcased their talents in gospel music and other performing arts during an annual daylong concert on Saturday.The theme of this year’s concert, christened Consofeste, was: ‘We are one in the spirit.’ The event, at the University of Nairobi, was partly sponsored by The Seed magazine, Kenya’s leading Catholic monthly published by Consolata Fathers and which is celebrating its 20th anniversary.Holy Trinity Catholic Church Buruburu scooped the first overall prize for best performance. They presented skits, poems and traditional and modern dances. They took home a trophy and Sh.7,000.The Coptic Orthodox Church took the second position for which they got a trophy and Sh. 5,000. The third position was taken by Lexani Youth of Consolata Parish, who also received a trophy and Sh. 3,000.Over 300 youth attended and presented skits, R & B gospel, Rap, Hip Hop, western and traditional dances, poems and instrumentals. The festival was also graced by three young Kenyan musicians.“Compared to last year, this year’s show was a bomb: bigger and better. And that is why we changed the venue from Consolata where it was last year to Nairobi University,” said Bidel Mussoko one of the organizers from the Consolata youth.Speaking at the close of the event Fr. Vincent Wambugu, secretary general of the Kenya Episcopal Conference (KEC), advised the youth to uphold morals as they are “the leaders of tomorrow”. They should continue with the good work of praising God through music.Consofeste is an annual event intended to promote youth talent. It was started in 1997.

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